The Client: Semi-Retired MD (Fast FIRE Bookkeeping)
Semi-Retired MD (SRMD) is a company that teaches doctors how to invest in real estate. To date they’ve educated 3,000+ physicians, high-income professionals, and their spouses how to find, select, and purchase cashflowing rental properties.
As experts in real estate investing, the owners of SRMD passionately believe that real estate investors must be able to do their own bookkeeping. So, they created a course to teach their community of doctor-investors how to do it.
Because Fast FIRE Bookkeeping was a brand-new course, all copywriting and advertising materials needed to be created from scratch.
Math nerds, this rhetorical question isn’t for you: how do you make an already-strapped-for-time demographic want to do their books—something that’s about as fun as stepping on a LEGO brick?
Initially, my angle for the page was to discuss the owners’ path to doing their own bookkeeping—but I abandoned that once I realized their path didn’t lend itself to an easy-to-follow story.
So instead, the answer was to make one hell of a compelling sales argument. The copy:
Reminds our doctor-investor of their exciting new reality—they’re cashflowing! Their hard work has paid off.
Acknowledges the bookkeeping complications—real estate bookkeeping is more complex than the personal bookkeeping they’re familiar with.
Touches on the risks inherent to bad bookkeeping—the owners did want to recognize the fear of being audited without being fear-mongering
Pivots into sharing the surprising benefits of doing your own bookkeeping
I came up with these ideas:
A professional real estate investing business needs more than a CFO. It needs a CFFO (Chief Financial Freedom Officer). So go ahead, give yourself a promotion.
When you know your numbers, you grow your numbers
Transform your records to riches
Bookkeeping isn’t just a record of the past—when you set up your books right, it’s a predictor of the future
Knowing your cashflow means GROWING your cashflow
I was also asked to brainstorm names for the course; that’s where the CFFO idea came from. While it didn’t make the initial cut, the owners are planning to use that for the name when they launch their rebrand.
Sales page
Sales sequence
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